Smokin' Guns 1.1 Released
No this is not an allucination !
Smokin'Guns 1.1 is officially released today and you still can get it from our new official Downloads page. Yeahah !
You should also realize Smokin'Guns community owns now a great new site based on Drupal and it is launched with a great and smart theme thanks to Biondo, our good friend and talented web designer !
Thank you for all your investment Biondo !
So, new release, new site !! What else ! He he... some other nice news will come soon, but now it's time to thank Joe Kari for his efforts and his desire to push toward Smokin'Guns 1.1 release. You'll find nice new features exposed in his great Alamo II map !! I would like also to thank Torhu for the Windows exe installer and also Barto for his try in a generic Debian package !! And of course, thank you Red and Pardner for your priceless involvement !!!
I would also thank you all for your long time support ! And now my heart is just beating toward our old good friends who were around for years and who are just missing us today...